In Year 4, the children will be given half termly homework sheets. This will usually take the form of a topic, English or SMSC based question; often a choice will be given. It is up to the children to decide on how to demonstrate their understanding of the activity i.e. text, pictures, photography, collecting samples. We appreciate the demands of school, so we will do our best to make homework rewarding and fun. We expect the children to spend no more than 15-20 mins per evening doing the work.
Reading remains an integral part of learning and we ask for your continued support in listening to your child read. They have a home-reader, a reading record and a reading menu. We also ask that they make use of the school library to choose books that they enjoy and encourage them to read any material from home or the public library. Please record reading from any material in their reading record; this is checked weekly and they are awarded team points. Children will be changing their home-readers at least once a week and need to select and complete a task from the activity sheet before doing so. Those changing their books on a more regular basis only need to choose a task once every one or two weeks, if at all; we would rather they spend as much time as possible reading.
We have also created a list of books for pupils to read, including some recommended by children themselves.
This year we have introduced "Maths around the World" times table challenge which the children are really enjoying. Maths homework is set using the MyMaths website. Details of both of these can be found in their homework book.
Regular spellings need to be practiced but in addition to the statutory set of Year 3/4 spelling words that the children are expected to know by the end of this year, we will be focusing on developing a range of strategies to spell other words.
(Key Instant Recall Facts)